An update on my husband.... He is still not back in the jet yet : ( It has been almost a year and a half since he had the few days of blurry vision, which put a halt to his flying. For awhile, he worked in Washington DC at the Guard Bureau and he currently is "Monday thru Friday Commander" at the Medical Group on base here in Portland. He has been diagnosed with MS, but luckily he still has had no other symptoms. Crazy that the eye that was effected has a vision of 20/15 now! We know that there must be a reason he is going through all of this. It has changed him in good ways too. I really think all he has gone through will make him be a better commander in his future. He has been told by two neurosurgeons that yes, he has MS but he is fine and they have written letters stating he should have no restrictions and should fly. So my husband has had to learn a lot about patience and harder than anything is for him to not feel that he is in control of this situation. He really has had an amazing career (not many get to be fighter pilots, but he is also a Weapons' Officer which had put in him as one of the best of the best!) so for him to not be able to talk his way into flying again is tough. He is used to briefing/debriefing for hours about flying ...he could probably brief for 24 hours straight about why he needs to and should be able to fly again! He misses flying so much. It is a whole part of him that is missing. Currently, he has had many physicals and paperwork and trips to McCord and now it is in the hands of the military, which could take months and months for them to tell him that he is 'Fit for Duty,' then he has to start the process again having the docs fill out waivers to see if they'll let him in the jet again or possibly another aircraft? So as for now, he is working full-time in the Med Group and has applied and been accepted into Willamette Universities Professional MBA program, which starts in the Fall. I have left out so many details and emotions but that is the jist of it!
Always a good time to display the American flag!! I just made this flag from free pallets. It is a little hard to carefully pull them apart and keep the wood a good length. (and not get slivers, etc...) I know I can just go to my favorite store, Home Depot, and buy the wood, but it is a little more rewarding for me to make things from scraps!! And it doesn't need to be July to display the Red, White, and Blue! Yep, this is my front door right now!
I have always loved Americana decor even before my husband joined the military! Now it just means even more to me!
I don't think my husband and I had been apart a night until 5 years into our marriage....
He was in grad school at Portland State and he met a pilot in one of his classes. (Like I said above...crazy how the little things can change the whole course of your life!) He then applied with the Oregon National Guard and got hired..a few months later he was off to Officer training. Over the years after that, I have gotten used to him being gone at least a week out of each month. This last year, except for living in Washington DC for 4 months, he has actually been home a lot! My boys and I are loving getting extra Daddy-time. He even has time this year to coach baseball!!
If you can't tell, I love these boys and am so proud of all of them!!